Life update … 

Hi everyone , 

I thought it was time I updated you with what’s happening in my life. As most of you are aware I stopped using my blogs for a few months whilst I was completing my A levels. I knew that I couldn’t do both at the quality I wanted, so I had to prioritise and for me my A levels came first. But now I’m back ! And more motivated than ever.

I’ve chosen not to go to university for several reasons and instead I’m starting an apprenticeship. It will be a challenge to blog , work full time and complete qualifications but it’s a challenge I’m willing to accept .

I’ve always had a passion for beauty and my blog is the perfect way to stay interested in makeup whilst working towards my apprenticeship. I love beauty so much and it’s a big part of my life and my blog is the way that I love to share my passion. 

If you’d like to know why a chose an apprenticeship or advice on applying for an apprenticeship just let me know in the comments or on my Twitter. 

Meg x 

My Primark Essentials …

When I go to primark , which to be honest with you is far too often , there some items that I always pick up. 

The first thing is face wipes. Primark sell face wipes in a pack of two for £1.00. I try not to use face wipes everyday but they are handy to have around. I use them when I’m doing my makeup to clean my hands and any spillages as well as occasionally taking my makeup off. I know you can pick up face wipes pretty much anywhere but I love the Primark ones. 

Second on my essentials list is cotton pads. Primark sell these in a pack for 50p. I use them to take my makeup off and tone my face. The Primark ones work wonders and are as cheap as chips. I very rarely use any other cotton pads. 

I always pick a pack of fluffy socks. I am a really cold person so I normally have a pair of fluffy socks on. They are cheap , last well and most importantly keep me warm. I wear them around the house and when I’m wearing boots. I have a whole draw full in my house. 

Finally I always pick up some pyjamas. I know this isn’t really an essential but I love pyjamas and I wear them every night, therefore I can justify buying more. I love that Primark usually have Disney ones and they are very affordable. I probably have too many but it keeps me happy.

I’d love to know what your Primark essentials are, let me know in the comments or on twitter. 

Thanks for reading ! 

How I stay motivated …

Now that the weathers changing I find it difficult to stay motivated. It’s so easy to want to stay in bed for an extra hour, sit on the sofa and watch TV and avoid leaving the house. 

For me I stay motivated three ways…

Firstly I like to set goals. This could be getting out of bed at a certain time , completing work in a certain time frame or achieving a certain amount of followers. This helps me to make sure I get done what I need to do.

Secondly I like to reward myself . I usually reward myself for completing certin goals. For example if I stay on top of my blog for a week then I can buy myself something or have a day off. This way I know my hard work will benefit me. 

Finally I like to think about times when I’ve failed or if I didn’t do something and the consequences of that . This way I am motivated to do my best to avoid those feelings again . I know this may seem slightly negative but it works for me. 

This is how I stay motivated as the seasons change . Let me know in the comments or tweet me how you stay motivated. 

My Lazy Autumn Morniung Routine

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8:30AM – Wake up

I normally wake up around 8:30 AM on a lazy morning. I’ll then sit and scroll through social media and plan my day.

9:00AM – Get Ready

At 9:00AM I’ll get out of bed and head to the bathroom. At this point, I’ll either have a shower or a bath depending on how much time I’ve got. After I’ve washed I’ll brush my teeth and do my skincare. If I have plans for that day I’ll also put on a simple face of makeup.

9:45 AM – Get dressed

Now that I’m ready I’ll pick out an outfit. I’ve just purchased loads of cute autumnal clothes, so choosing an outfit is my favourite part of the morning. This is the time when I usually take far too many selfies.

10AM – Have breakfast

At the moment I’m loving to have avocado and boiled egg on toast. It keeps me full until lunchtime and it’s very quick and easy to make.

Then I’ll get on with whatever I’ve got planned for that day.

Thanks for reading and be sure to follow my blog for updates when I post.