My Primark Essentials …

When I go to primark , which to be honest with you is far too often , there some items that I always pick up. 

The first thing is face wipes. Primark sell face wipes in a pack of two for £1.00. I try not to use face wipes everyday but they are handy to have around. I use them when I’m doing my makeup to clean my hands and any spillages as well as occasionally taking my makeup off. I know you can pick up face wipes pretty much anywhere but I love the Primark ones. 

Second on my essentials list is cotton pads. Primark sell these in a pack for 50p. I use them to take my makeup off and tone my face. The Primark ones work wonders and are as cheap as chips. I very rarely use any other cotton pads. 

I always pick a pack of fluffy socks. I am a really cold person so I normally have a pair of fluffy socks on. They are cheap , last well and most importantly keep me warm. I wear them around the house and when I’m wearing boots. I have a whole draw full in my house. 

Finally I always pick up some pyjamas. I know this isn’t really an essential but I love pyjamas and I wear them every night, therefore I can justify buying more. I love that Primark usually have Disney ones and they are very affordable. I probably have too many but it keeps me happy.

I’d love to know what your Primark essentials are, let me know in the comments or on twitter. 

Thanks for reading ! 

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